Monday, February 21, 2011

Happy President's Day

It seemed fitting after this very long hiatus to write a quick blog acknowledging President's Day. While I am grateful for the day off, which I spent painting my bedroom a gorgeous color entitled "Hallowed Hush," I did take a few moments to reflect on the actual meaning of the day. Technically, it's a national holiday to honor two president's birthdays--Washington and Lincoln--that fall 10 days apart from each other. Lincoln's birthday is February 12, which through the beauty of math, makes Washington's birthday February 22.

President's Day is celebrated on the third Monday of February, which leans more toward Washington's b-day. It does seem interesting to me that two of our most well-known presidents are jammed into one day for convenience. It seems to trivialize the importance of their know founding our country and abolishing slavery and all. Amazing men forced to share one day that, in 2011, amounts to sales--furniture, clothes, cars, you name it. Perhaps I have a new found appreciation for their leadership and struggles now that I am a president myself. That is in no way is meant to imply that I consider myself on the same level as Washington and Lincoln, just because I'm the president of a condo association. I'm not even in the same universe as these guys. But I do have a small taste for the political maneuvering, decision making and patience these men must have possessed. And, I am in awe.

So, as this President's Day comes to a close, I urge you to take a break from all the retail therapy and acknowledge what these American legends have meant for our country. Happy President's Day to you all!